

Akshi Tarpana is essentially made up of two Sanskrit words: “Akshi” meaning eyes and “tarpana” meaning rehydration. In this process, medicated ghee is retained over eyes for 15-20 minutes.Medicated Ghee is a healing agent for tired, stressed, dehydrated eyes and disorderly eyesight.Netra Tarpana is a procedure where circular formed frames made of a powdered Masha paste are placed around the eyes. Lukewarm medicated “ghee” (according to the dosha) is then poured into the frames for a specific period of time according to Dosha and severity of the disease.The concoction of medicinal herbs and ghee seeps deep into the subtle channels of the eye and provides cures the disease of the eye.

Indication of Akshi Tarpana

Materials and Equipments:


The following medicated ghee preparations are commonly used.

Man power:

Procedure :

1.Purva karma :

Black gram powder is to be made in to dough by using adequet amount of water. The patient is to be advised to lie down in supine position. Gentle massage is to be done on head, eyes and face. A trough is to be made with this dough around both eyes, approximately 2 cm in height around the eyes.


2. Pradhana karma:

Witch special precaution medicated ghee (a little below body temperature but in liquid form) is to be filled inside the trough around the eye.The tempeature of the medicated Ghee should be maintained. It is to be kept for 15-20 minutes and then the ghee is to be collected by the gauze.

3. Paschat Karma:

The face should be wiped off with clean dry towel.Thereafter eyes should be covered with the leaves of lotus or petals of rose and the patient is to be advised to sit away from the sunlight for a day.It may be done for 7 to 14 days. Patients should prevents direct water and air


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