Principle of Panchakarma Treatment:
According to Charaka the Principle of Panchakarma is
- • Langhana
- • Pachana
- • Doshabashechana(Sodhana)
Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life. Ayurved comprises two types of treatment Sodhana & Samana.Sodhana is the purification therapy called Panchakarma & Samana is Pallitative therapy.
Panchakarma is a very unique therapeutic procedure, because of its preventive,Promoter, prophylactic and rejuvenate properties as well as providing
a radical cure.Panchakarma plays a vital role in the preservation, maintenance & conservation of health& promotion of longevity. They form a part in
the regimen of preventive medicine (SvasthVritta) indicated as prophylactic measures in the context of epidemics and panepidemics.
All diseases occur due to suppression and forceful expulsion of natural urges.Panchakarma is the best treatment for the diseases caused by
suppression natural urges(Vega Daharana). Suppression of natural urges affects gastrointestinal motility and continence of sphincters and
later neuro-humoral control of glands. Vatanulomana is the prime line of treatment for disease due to suppression of urges and Basti is best
treatment among Vatanulomana therapies. These measures are indicated as preparatory procedures before the administration of rejuvenation therapy
(Rasayana) & aphrodisiac therapy (Vajikarana).Bio-purification makes the biological system to return to normalcy & to rejuvenate rapidly & also
facilitates the desired pharmaco- kinetic effect of therapeutic remedies administered there after. It eliminates toxins & stagnated excreta &
metabolites from the body, cleanses the macro & micro channels, maximizes the absorption & metabolism of nutrients& drugs, and helps in minimizing
their dose & toxicity.
According to Charaka the Principle of Panchakarma is
According to Susrut the Principle of Panchakarma is
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